"The In-depth Interview Series of the Commissioner of the China Cleansing Association" has silently guarded the safety of people's lives for many years/Guotan Technology Co., Ltd.

The fire of life is closely related to our daily life. Fire is the source that brings us light, but it may also bring life to the end because of a little fire. However, the company that continues to stand on the front line of fire prevention and has been silently protecting people's lives for many years. "Taiwan's only fire-retardant and flame-retardant material that has passed both UL and FM certification" is "Guotan Technology Co., Ltd.".

Articles of interviews with people from the board of supervisors meeting

你可否想過,當你走進公司、走進超市、走進捷運之時, 你生活中所處的每一個空間,所吸進的空氣, 都有一個隱形把關者,無時無刻提供我們更潔淨的空氣品質。 這次中華潔淨技術協會特派員,走進中台灣,來到位於台灣中心點,隱藏在南投-潔淨領域裡, 不可或缺的潔淨空氣英雄-AIRREX無塵室濾網之王-晟鼎科技。