TCTA035: A comprehensive view of the ability to control gaseous acetic acid molecular pollutants in high-tech processes

Excessive exposure to acetic acid gas is extremely dangerous in confined spaces, and there are currently no commercially available chemical screens for acetic acid control. This article only provides reference for the compilation of literature collected over the years. An efficient indoor air pollutant removal porous carbon filter was developed using sodium hydroxide impregnated activated carbon (NaOH/AC) for adsorption of acetic acid. NaOH/AC screens cured at 100°C for 20 minutes gave the best results by eliminating acetic acid at an initial concentration of 400 ppm within 15 minutes at 20°C and 60% relative humidity. The NaOH/AC filter used for acetic acid adsorption has a maximum adsorption capacity of 550 mg/g. This research is expected to lead to the development of low-cost and effective porous carbon filters for indoor air purification using NaOH-modified activated carbon. Activated carbon (ACM) was synthesized from watermelon shell and modified with sodium hydroxide (NaOH/ACM) in order to improve its adsorption efficiency. The acetic acid adsorption efficiency of NaOH/ACM is 71%, which is higher than that of ACM which is 32%. Ammonium ion-exchanged α-zirconium phosphate (α-ZrP) can adsorb acetic acid with an adsorption efficiency of 95%.

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