

(2015 Taiwan Cleaning Technology Association Distinguished Lecturer)

主辦 中華潔淨技術協會台北科技大學潔淨技術研發中心
協辦 台大高科技廠房設施研究中心
費用 中華潔淨技術協會及SEMI Taiwan高科技廠房設施委員會會員免費,餘酌收300 NTD。歡迎現場加入中華潔淨技術協會。
地點 台大竹北分部2樓206會議室新竹縣竹北市莊敬一路88號(台大竹北分部 碧禎館)TEL:03-668-1274
日期 2015/4/8 (星期三) 13:30~16:00含中場休息
主講人及講題 主講人: Dr. Guillaume Gallet.Dr. Gallet is Global Product Manager for AMC filtration products at Camfil. He has a Ph.D. in Polymer Technology from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden.講題:

Differences between laboratory and in situ tests of AMC filters.


Airborne Molecular Contamination (AMC) filtration has become a standard  feature of modern microelectronics manufacturing. Forecasting the lifetime of filtration systems is key to ensure correct contamination levels inside Cleanrooms as well as proper budget and adequate filter designs. Yet product specifications and datasheets often lack information about expected in-situ performances.

This presentation will investigate what hurdles filtration companies are facing to estimate in-situ lifetime and the relevance of current test standards to low concentration levels observed in microelectronics facilities.



台北科技大學 胡石政教授


